
My name is Greta(she/they).

I teach yoga to help connect & strengthen your relationship to your body, nurture self-agency and compassionately cultivate the discipline of awareness.

I’m also an on-air host & DJ over at KEXP 90.3 FM Seattle! You can listen to my show anytime by streaming the archives here:)

What do I teach?



Yin is both an energetic and physical practice. Energetically it is: receptivity, regeneration, nourishment, slow and allowing. In terms of anatomy and physiology it “stresses” or compresses the connective tissues, fascia, bones, ligaments and joints by applying a gentle pressure for time.



The intentional linking of movements together practiced with ujjayi pranayama, upward victorious breath.



aka psychic sleep. Yoga nidra is a guided meditation. It is a practice of pratyahara, the withdrawal of the senses, a journey of introspection and receptivity. The emphasis of this practice is on the rotation of your awareness as it travels through the five koshas or sheaths. In yoga nidra we set a sankalpa. Your sankalpa is a present tense intention, an incisive resolve.

A few things that are important to me as a teacher:

Focusing not so much about getting into the “perfect mold” of the pose but the intention behind it

Being informed about the nervous system and it how it comes into play with our practice

Familiarity with the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Bhagavad Gita and other wisdom texts

Using anatomy to bring further awareness into the body, 3 dimensionally

Finding freedom, depth and complexity in the non-binary, non-dualism

Acting in accordance to the guidelines laid out by the wisdom texts

Directing attention towards the earth, grounding, feeling stable

Enhancing proprioception and active embodiment

Encouraging the use of props!

To always be a student